Gig’em Horns!!!

or something like that…

Blogging will be light this afternoon and evening (I know… I know, why should today be any different) as the family ventures to Blogospeer Central for a get-together-geek-out-bbq-feast-football extravaganza.

I’m slowly being surrounded by Aggies, last night we ate hot-wings and played board games with our new pals, Michael and Natalie and their sweet young boys. Food was delicious and we had a good time playing balderdash and compatibility. We are trying the ‘power of the pack‘ with toddlers, since their boys seem to act nice and peaceful when they are around our large brood. We sent one of our pack leaders, Brenna, to a friends house for the night, so the rehabilitation may have been limited. Here at Casa de Stueve, we rehabilitate toddlers and train parents. *guffaw*
Another reason for light blogging, I’m teaching Sunday School in the morning, so I need to finish prepping for that, and get organized so we can get out the door early in the morning. We are also on tap to bring breakfast so I need to get prepped for that.

But looking forward to an afternoon geek-out, BBQ and Aggie Football!!!! (though I still love Oregon State – No one licks our Beavers!!!!)