Installed some more bling, the Flickr! sidebar is courtesy of the Flickr Photo Gallery for WordPress plugin, that also includes a little gadget to include photos from flickr! in your post.
Like this:
Mmm… hot diggity dog.
Pretty slick and snazzy. Also installed Spam Karma 2.2 because, Spammers, suck.
And Lastly… (which was really firstly) Viper’s Video Quicktags, to help publish YouTube yumminess.
Now, I’m off for mandatory fun with my co-workers… They are dragging me to Kobe’s Steak House. I sure hope they have good food there.
Bite me.
Mmm… the Filet, Shrimp, Scallops, and Chicken… Fried Rice…
It wasn’t any good…
*licks lips*
No really.