Watching LOST from the beginning (Update)

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about anything.  That’s because I’ve been a bit busy with life.  But if you follow me on twitter, you’ll know that steadily for six months now, I’ve been tweeting about LOST episode by episode as a group of us have rewatched the show.  I even started a separate twitter account (@LOST_WFTB) to keep track of the whole thing.  Please allow me a moment or two of navel gazing as I write a few words.

Season 5 Finale aired on May 13th, 2009.  We started rewatching the following weekend, and by Monday had an official re-watch schedule to watch as a group starting with Tabula Rasa (S1E3) on Monday May 18th.  Last night we completed the strike shortened Season 4 with a rewatch of There’s No Place Like Home Part 2.

My number of tweets since I started the @LOST_WFTB account stands at 9,833.  While not every tweet is about LOST (many are promotional and scheduling oriented, some are about Bones or other TV shows) the majority are from rewatch nights.

I’ve gained a following of 599 other tweeters, and have followed back 540, of which the majority are dyed in the wool LOST fanatics.  I’ve been fortunate to be listed in 77 of Twitter’s lists (a feature that didn’t even exit when we started six months ago). I’ve met some fanstatic people and have enjoyed every moment of the show.

Starting this twitter group has allowed me to meet and follow some amazing people, keeping tabs on my favorite show, and living vicariously through all the lucky bastards that got to go to ComicCon in San Diego and then tweeted about it.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the devoted tweet addled addicts like me, that have joined in.  The group has ebbed and flowed through the six months, but as a whole, I think we’re all mostly upto date on the re-watch.

Now, we are taking a pause.  The Season 5 DVDs get released on December 8th, and that night (I plan on making a Walmart run, if not watch one of my archived episodes) we’ll kick off Season 5 rewatch.  The schedule has us finishing up Season 5 on January 15th, which gives us 5 days of rest until Season 6 premiere (if the start date for S6 doesn’t change).

So if you’ve slacked off on your re-watch, fallen behind, life has thrown you a curve: Now is the time to catch up.  You can even just start new with Season 5 rewatching on twitter.  Follow me @LOST_WFTB and I’ll keep you upto date on scheduling with irritating reminders.

Thanks so much for participating, and stay LOST.