Removing the sugar…

The biggest change in what I’ve eaten over the last three months is cutting carbs drastically. This has had dramatic improvements in my blood glucose levels, with fasting (in the morning when I wake up) levels lower than 110 mg/dL and inching lower week by week.

Changing my diet has also resulted in less consumption, daily calories, and also a drop in weight (over 25lbs since September 15th). I’ve read some great books on diabetes specifically, and currently making my way through Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health by Gary Taubes. It’s a fascinating book, wish I would have read it ten years ago.

Speaking of ten years ago, as I wrote previously, my current diet is taking advantage of habits I learned (then discontinued) ten years ago in the middle of losing 60 pounds in a year (Apr 2010 – Apr 2011). I was trying to hack my diet using what I would now refer to as the standard dieting, lower calories. I never bought into a low-fat diet, but neither did I adhere to a low-carb diet 10 years ago. I was trying to hit more Zone Diet goals in macronutrient ratios (30-fat, 40-carb, 30-prot), but I wasn’t trying to be very precise.

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