Q: Do you think the Reset worked…

I got this question on my Formspring.me question thingy:

Do you think the Reset worked… i.e: Will Season 6 open with flight 815 landing in LA?

My short answer is still – Yes.  This post should expound on why I think it’ll happen, and what that means for the rest of the final season.

The first episode has been revealed to be LA X, the comiccon videos all hinted toward a universe where Oceanic flight 815 never crashed, and people were living their lives as if the crash never happened. So either the producers are going this route, or attempting the largest head fake ever!  They’ve had a habit of hiding things in plain site before, with Damon autographing a fan’s disc cover with the secret of what’s inside the hatch. He didn’t even lie a little, telling exactly what was inside, and no one really believed it.

Many have said that a reset ruins everything, as if the entire previous seasons would be washed away.  I don’t really think that’s the case.  There has always been a strong thread of FATE throughout the series, from Charlie’s fingers, to Locke’s insistance that everyone was there for a reason.  I don’t think a reset changes all that much.

Eloise Hawking told Desmond Hume, “The universe, unfortunately, has a way of course correcting.” The proof she alluded to was the man with the red shoes, then Charlie’s eventual death.  She alluded that if Desmond didn’t do the things he was supposed to do “we are all dead.”  Who she meant be “we” is kind of relative isn’t it?

So if the universe course corrects, maybe Oceanic 815 was never supposed to crash, maybe what we’ve been through is a huge entire course correction, putting people back into the places they were supposed to be on September, 22 2004.

That doesn’t mean that in 2007 people are exactly where they’re supposed to be, and the drama of the first part of 2010 LOST will be the unraveling of people’s 2004 lives to get to exactly where they’re supposed to be in 2010.

Thoughts, disagreements, agreements, are all welcome in the comments.

LOST Game Changing Episodes:#9 Lockdown

Before this episode, some changes happened in the Oceanic 815 survivor camp, with Sawyer claiming some power in the camp by capturing all the guns, and becoming the new “sheriff in town”.  They’ve been joined by the “Tailies” and have discovered the Swan station.  Sayid was called on by Rousseau to capture a man wandering the jungle by the name of Henry Gale, whom Rousseau thought was “one of them”.  I thought the others were a ramshackle bunch of jungle survivors, and the well dressed Mr. Gale didn’t really mesh with that perception.

Backstory wise, I knew about John’s relationship with his father, and with Helen, but hadn’t really nailed down some of the core parts of John’s willingness to be used as a dupe by people he thought he should trust.

This episode was a game changer, both in my perception of Locke, but also of the character of the island.  The world we were discovering had just gotten bigger.

The last quarter of this episode dropped bombshell after bombshell on us after the Lockdown warning blared, and the blast door crushed John Locke’s legs.  It was one of the first “water cooler” episodes where the next day everything revolved around the ‘blastdoor map’.  Yet, the map was only the first of three major game changers.

The second was the supply drop, which was the reason for the Swan Station lockdown, which Jack and Kate discovered as they wondered back from the beach poker game, where Jack won back his medical supplies in a match against Sawyer.  The beach scenes served as the lighter moments as Jack demonstrated his influence over the now cocky Sawyer.

The last show stopper was in the final moments, as Sayid and his partners Ana Lucia and Charlie join Jack and Kate in confronting Henry Gale, with proof that while he was right about the grave, and the hot air balloon, the real Henry Gale was an african american male from Minnesota.  Henry Gale was a liar.

The acting of Michael Emerson always impressed me, his wonderfully delivered “Got Milk” soliloquy in the previous episode, had us on our toes for an ambush on Sayid’s group.  Locke’s wariness after that revelation, soon led to reluctant trust, as he had to enlist his prisoner’s help in trying to get free from the main room of the Swan station after the blastdoors came down.  The ticking of the clock, and the alarms blaring as the timer expired and Henry disappeared to push the button, was suddenly and jaw-droppingly forgotten as the room went dark, and neon fluorescent illuminated the laundry soap smearing of the blast door map.

This was the ultimate “we’d better watch that again” moment as so many secrets and hints were embedded in that six short seconds of screen time.

#WFTB – Watch from the Beginning – Refresher

With the final season of LOST just around the corner, it’s time to get the Twitter rewatch back in full stream.  We’ve had a nice break over Thanksgiving, and all you all everybody has had a chance to get their hands on the LOST Season 5 DVDs. (some of us were lucky and won a contest, and have recieved the LOST Dharma Initiative Orientation kit… be very jealous)

So it’s time again, to get to re-watching.  The Season 5 #LOST #WFTB Twitter re-watch party kicks off on December 14th at 9PM CST.  The rest of the schedule is here, so bookmark it.  (Or just ask me @LOST_WFTB on twitter)

What do you need to do to join in?  I made a handy list:

  1. Follow me @LOST_WFTB for #WFTB news updates and reminders.
  2. You might consider following my list of WFTB regulars, and if you aren’t on that list, give me a holla on twitter and I’ll add you.  The list feature of Twitter is also a great way to participate in the #WFTB Live tweets, if you don’t have TweetDeck (my favorite) or some other Twitter client.
  3. Get your DVD (or stream, or whatever you use to watch episodes) ready with time to spare.  I try to be hitting up twitter with reminders at least 42 minutes in advance, but sometimes I’m late, keep an eye on the #LOST #WFTB hashtags.
  4. Start on time (I usually tweet at “Press Play” tweet at the starting time.  I post times in my time zone, CST, so be prepared at your local time.
  5. Start watching and tweeting your comments, all types of comments are allowed.  Snarky MST3K type, or obeservations, or OMGILTS.  Include the episode hashtag (usually #s5E1 or whatever episode we’re on, the finale will have a special hashtag.
  6. Have fun! Everyone is a LOST fan, and all shippers are welcome.
  7. Last and final one, is don’t be a jerk. (That is a general rule of the internet, IMO) We all love the show, and with that common thread, we should all be able to get along.

Namaste, and if you’ve read this far, congratulations.

If you are hard core invite a friend, like @CarltonCuse, @DamonLindelof or @EWDocJensen to join in on the re-watch.  How awesome would it be to have them join in… supremely awesome, beyond words.

See you Monday at 9PM CST.

LOST Game Changing Episodes: #10 Every Man for Himself

I wanted to push my self to write more on my blog, so I decided upon writing about LOST episodes that “changed the game”.  My emphasis on game changing, means to me that the episode had a moment or scene where something was revealed that changed the way I perceived the show.  So without further ado, I’ll start the list off.

Every Man for Himself was the fourth episode of season 3.  Stuck in the middle of the 6-pack of fall episodes, before the very long wait of 17 episodes that ran back to back in the spring of 2007.  This series of episode has gotten a bad rap, after re-watching all the episodes the past six months, I’ve found new appreciation of being stuck in the Dharma Zoo.  This episode was the turning point of that arc. 

The back story was all about Sawyer and his willingness to con anyone if it favors his own skin.  Off island Sawyer really was a scallywag, and his preference for the long con is showing strong in the back story.  The characterization really highlighted Sawyer’s past character, and really around this point the back stories were getting a bit repetitive.  Still they managed to have Sawyer pull a fast one, and was an enjoyable story, and left a few breadcrumbs for fans to hold on two in the larger arc of the story.  Besides, who doesn’t like Bill Duke as the prison warden.

On the island, we are seeing Sawyer and Kate bond as they try to figure a way out of the animal cages.  Ben catches a whiff of this and pulls Sawyer out of the cage, after beating him real good with his Daredevil cane.  The first glimpse of a Dharma test bunny is revealed as Ben demonstrates to Sawyer what will happen if his heart rate goes to fast.

Sawyer and Kate get a glimpse of a hooded Jack getting ferried to the Dharma operation station, to operate on Colleen (who was shot by Sun when the Others stole back Desmond’s boat).  The operation is futile, and an enraged Danny (Colleen’s husband, and the main warden of the Others’ prison camp) goes to take out his rage on Sawyer.  Sawyer gets the best of him by pummeling Danny’s fists with his face a few times, then to add insult to injury revealing, unbidden, his love for Kate. (wait, maybe I have that backwards…)

Anyway, the point is that Sawyer is too worried about his imminently exploding heart to put up a fight or over exert himself anytime the pulse monitoring watch goes off.

image The real game changing scene was after a long hike, Ben reveals that he conned the con-man, and Sawyer doesn’t have a heart monitor and he faked the rabbit’s demise.  But that wasn’t the reason he brought Sawyer on the trek, the real reason was just over the last rise.  The image of Ben and Sawyer on a bluff over looking a wide expanse of ocean to the main island.  Jack, Sawyer and Kate weren’t only imprisoned, they were trapped on another island.

Stand by for more Game Changers in the days to come.

Open Letter to Doc Jensen

Dear Jeff,

I can call you Jeff, can’t I? Since I’m one of fourteen of the people that you follow on Twitter, I could be presuming too much that we are now, like, BFFs? Maybe I should call you Doc? Or possibly Mr. Jensen. But that seems too informal, since I’ve been reading your LOST columns for many years, I feel like I know a little bit about you. Though I probably hardly know you at all, and so should probably be more formal than just Jeff, or, “Hey Doc”. Sigh, I seem to have gotten a bit circular, which having read your columns, I think your probably familiar with my dilemma.

Let’s just cut to the heart of the matter, shall we? I was going to title this post “A LOST fanatics guide to Twitter”, or alternatively, “Doc Jensen needs HELP!” But at the last moment, I’ve shied away from such vanity. Though I do feel a bit of responsibility for getting you set straight on Twitter, and how to use it’s cryptic but useful syntax and customs. I don’t want you to look too noobish, like Neal Patrick Harris, who apparently, while brilliant and was a practicing Doctor at a very young age, can’t quite count to 140. So I thought I’d help you out. Oooh! Just thought of another alternate title: “The Keys to the Hieroglyphs: LOST Twitter Guide” Yeah? Hm. Too presumptuous.

I’ll just start at the beginning.

140 characters, that’s all you get. You could go to some services like twitlonger or tumblr to get more words linked to your tweets, but that’s a bit lame. IF you MUST be wordy, get a blog, or write a column for Entertainment Weekly, or something. Keep your tweets at 140 characters, that’s the LAW. Even @jacob_islandgod has to use 140 characters. Also the 140 character limit includes any of the names you’ve addressed in your tweet, so you might even have to edit more. I know, I know… it might be hard to do for a person that has a way with words, such as yourself. I don’t make the rules of the twitterverse, I wasn’t even consulted.

Some characters are more special than others, think of these of those that are on Jacob’s list. These characters are:

  • @ – The “at” sign is like an address.  The @ sign is used to address a tweet at someone, or to have the tweet show up in their Mentions feed.  So, for example, any tweet with @LOST_WFTB shows up in a special way to me.  But you @EWDocJensen might not even realize that it’s been tweeted.  Also with the @ sign, if it’s placed at the very beginning of your tweet, it’s sent as a semi-private tweet to that one twit.  Kinda like when Ben used the mirror to flash a signal to Richard before turning himself into the Orchid Station.  People following Ben, (Locke and Hurley) knew about the message, and all of Richard’s followers knew about the message.  But Kemy and his posse, or Jack and his team had now idea about the message.  So be aware, that tweets starting with @LOST_WFTB will only be seen by those twitterers that follow both you and me.  Everyone else might not see the tweet.
  • # – the ‘pound’ sign is called a hashtag in twitter.  It’s kinda old skool, but still very useful.  It can be used to ‘tag’ your tweets with a special symbol or sign that your tweet has something to do with #LOST or #FlashForward or #Fringe.  Such tags help people search and find topics.  There are no real rules, it’s kind of a make it up as you go along thing.  Ask @DrDreia the self confessed #queenofthebaroquehashtag for more details. Another special tag that I use a lot is #WFTB which means (to me) Watch From The Beginning.  Which is the name of my LOST Re-watch that is based on Twitter feeds.  More on that later… maybe in a special edition of post on this blog.
  • D – This may look like the letter D, but in twitter at the very beginning of your post, it takes on great meaning.  It’s stands for Direct Message (or DM).  This is used with a valid username to send a private message to another user.  Think of it as Ben sending a min-tape to Juliet to communicate secrets without the prying eyes of other people listening in.  Of course, if your recipient goes ahead and retweets a DM then you’re screwed. Maybe.
  • RT – This isn’t official, but it’s stilled used by all the cool kids.  It stands for re-tweet, and it’s a bit contreversial for people with nothing better to do than to worry about proper citation syntax.  You know, the kind that read the Chicago Manual of Style, AP Stylebook, or Strunk & White curled up next to the fire, with a glass of chianti and some fava beans (Or write the awesome iPhone app Tweetie). But for us cool kids, that really could care less we just tack on an RT (or use TweetDeck to RT old skool) at the beginning of our tweet to re-broadcast something that we like or think is cool.  This is like, well, remember in the Lord of the Rings, when they lit those signal fires on the tip-tops of the mountains (and boy, who are the losers that get that duty station?) Retweets are kinda like that, public rebroadcasts of good information.  Twitter went ahead with this concept and made it a feature, but it’s kinda different, and kinda lame, being that it’s officially sanctioned and all.  Kinda like roaming the halls of highscool with a hall pass.
  • URL shortening services.  These are a must by the hard core twits, to keep the 140 characters alive with content, and less with the arcane url syntax.  So if you want to keep big long strings of URL’s outta your tweets (like http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20313460_20325436,00.html for example) use http://bit.ly or http://is.gd to shrink your URLs and unlock the code to better tweets. (Or use TweetDeck, which can shrink URL’s automatically.

Well Doc, that’s it, The secret of the Twitter codes and gylphs. I hope you enjoyed reading, and take this with the humor that I’ve intended.  Also, keep pushing the LOST Themed Disney Attraction petition… We’ve gotta get @DamonLindelof and @CarltonCuse to sign that thing.

To my faithful readers, who are legion:  What advice about twitter would you give Jeff “Doc” Jensen?  Put it in the comments.

Petition: Disney Please make a LOST island attraction

I made a off hand comment on Twitter to a friend:

@mfeige 1) never be sorry for Disneylan 2) I want pictures of when Tom Sawyer’s Island becomes LOST

(yeah, I tweet like a blog with typos)
Then I made an all out tweet:

Disneyland’s Tom Sawyer Island transformed to Pirates Cove… would be better as Dharmaville LOST Island. who’s with me?

Then suddenly:



Are you KIDDING ME. Jeff “Doc” Jensen agrees with me!!! (there aren’t enough exclamation points)

Then to totally rock my world he added:

EWDocJensen LOST_WFTB: Seriously, dude. Start a petition. I’ll help promote it. We’ll get this done. I have no doubt Mighty Disney will bow to our will.

So Uh, One problem, I don’t know how to make a petition… But
I HAVE A BLOG! and Instapundit says that’s better.

So sign this post and do whatever you wanna do to get this done.


sign the petition here: http://www.petitiononline.com/lostdisn/petition.html

(okay, also add any imagineering ideas to the comments… we can DO IT! /ty voice)

Holy Cannoli… Damon Lindelof just tweeted:


@EWDocJensen — Carlton and I have been pushing to get a damn polar bear on Tom Sawyer Island for YEARS!!!!

Watching LOST from the beginning (Update)

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about anything.  That’s because I’ve been a bit busy with life.  But if you follow me on twitter, you’ll know that steadily for six months now, I’ve been tweeting about LOST episode by episode as a group of us have rewatched the show.  I even started a separate twitter account (@LOST_WFTB) to keep track of the whole thing.  Please allow me a moment or two of navel gazing as I write a few words.

Season 5 Finale aired on May 13th, 2009.  We started rewatching the following weekend, and by Monday had an official re-watch schedule to watch as a group starting with Tabula Rasa (S1E3) on Monday May 18th.  Last night we completed the strike shortened Season 4 with a rewatch of There’s No Place Like Home Part 2.

My number of tweets since I started the @LOST_WFTB account stands at 9,833.  While not every tweet is about LOST (many are promotional and scheduling oriented, some are about Bones or other TV shows) the majority are from rewatch nights.

I’ve gained a following of 599 other tweeters, and have followed back 540, of which the majority are dyed in the wool LOST fanatics.  I’ve been fortunate to be listed in 77 of Twitter’s lists (a feature that didn’t even exit when we started six months ago). I’ve met some fanstatic people and have enjoyed every moment of the show.

Starting this twitter group has allowed me to meet and follow some amazing people, keeping tabs on my favorite show, and living vicariously through all the lucky bastards that got to go to ComicCon in San Diego and then tweeted about it.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the devoted tweet addled addicts like me, that have joined in.  The group has ebbed and flowed through the six months, but as a whole, I think we’re all mostly upto date on the re-watch.

Now, we are taking a pause.  The Season 5 DVDs get released on December 8th, and that night (I plan on making a Walmart run, if not watch one of my archived episodes) we’ll kick off Season 5 rewatch.  The schedule has us finishing up Season 5 on January 15th, which gives us 5 days of rest until Season 6 premiere (if the start date for S6 doesn’t change).

So if you’ve slacked off on your re-watch, fallen behind, life has thrown you a curve: Now is the time to catch up.  You can even just start new with Season 5 rewatching on twitter.  Follow me @LOST_WFTB and I’ll keep you upto date on scheduling with irritating reminders.

Thanks so much for participating, and stay LOST.

LOST – Black Rock and the start of the loophole

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged or theorized. I’ve done some smatterings of this and that on twitter, but once in a while you need to write more than 140 chars… so, have a seat.

The frustration on the face of the Man in Black (henceforth noted as MiB) in his discussion with Jacob at the start of The Incident shows, to me, that he was plotting something. With the Black Rock bobbing like a cork in the distance, I think his plan started then, with the crew of the Black Rock, and the current location of the Black Rock has a lot to do with what happened.

This could be rather detailed, or it could be hinted at flashbacks, or it could be entirely wrong. For all I know the paper in the back of Darlton’s pocket could be the script for the Black Rock spin-off to LOST that they’ll announce at next years ComicCon. But with those caveats, lets hit some details.

The core of the mysterious properties of the island is that it sits a top of a ball of magnetic energy. This is what Dr. Pierre Chang is studying, the cause of the incident, and the source is primordial, meaning that the source is probably present while the Black Rock was still floating, but not tapped or used quite yet.

The island isn’t fixed in time or space. That we learned from Ellie in the Lamp Post station. We assume that has always been the case, but I think a good case can be made that the island was dislodged from a fixed location at some point prior to 1954. I’m theorizing that point is around the time the Black Rock sailed the troubled waters around the island. Then after that, the search for the dislodged island, by the Hanso family, started.

Chang stopped work on the Orchid when they started getting too close to that magnetic pocket, the scan showed the Darlton dubbed Frozen Donkey Wheel in silhouette. Here I speculate, that the FDW isn’t primordial, it was placed there somehow, and I think the Black Rock is it’s source. The details we’ve seen of it when Ben then Locke applied pressure to it is it’s build seems nautical, wood and metal. The size of the wheel is too big for a helm, but about right for an anchor capstan. Could the FDW be the Black Rock’s capstan?

What does a capstan do? Well it uses applied man/muscle power to raise the anchor chain and coil it along it’s axis. There is obviously something dangling off the end of the rope of the FDW (IF it is a capstan). Perhaps the anchor is still attached. Perhaps manipulating the anchor through the magnetic pocket is what ‘moves’ the island. Just like hauling in an anchor chain moves a ship closer to the anchor drop point.

So at some point, the Black Rock gets yanked into the middle of the island, the dark territories says one map. Is it because the anchor got yanked into the magnetic abyss, pulling the ship along with it? Ripping the capstan off, until it got lodged in it’s current location.

So if that’s true, at some point, the crew of the Black Rock had to have gotten onto the island. Perhaps the crew members included Richard Alpert. Where he began his role as the right-hand man of Jacob, or who he thought was Jacob.

We still don’t know how Charles and Ellie and the original band of hostiles made it to the island. We know their presence was there in 1954, and they were fighting off a U.S. military crew that left behind Jughead. Are Charles et. al., descendants of the Black Rock crew? Charles certainly had a reason to bid on the log from the Black Rock.

I’m not sure how much time will be spent in season six investigating this ‘loophole’. I think Darlton will be more interested in completing the story of this set of characters, the Oceanic survivors than detailing Black Rock mythology. Perhaps they’ll leave enough hints in the Richard storyline to have one heck of a mini-series, feature film, about the Black Rock.

Okay, tell me where I’ve missed something.

Vacationing at the Hatch

For those not following my @LOST_WFTB twitterfeed, we’ve shifted to an undisclosed location for a little vacay.  So when we got here, I got setup to work from our vacation hut (aka Grandpa and Auntie’s house.

It’s TOTALLY AWESOME.  It’s a HATCH… I need some Dharma labels to trick it out, but here are some photos for a tour. (click to embiggify)


View from my workstation.  Note the concrete construction and eerie lighting. I haven’t noticed any magnetic anomalies, but that’s cuz Locke stole my compass. 




Here is a view out the back entrance of the hatch.  Note the black shirted others.  They may be aligned with Smokie.  Investigating.





Around the corner are shelves full of provisions! I’m not gonna tell Hurley about this, or he’ll tell Dave, and once Dave knows, EVERYONE will know.





This is my computer setup, dual screen greatness.  Note the VPN FOB above the keyboard this is important to be able to periodically punch in the numbers to communicate with Mittelos while on wokring vacay.




Here is an alternate shot looking back at my workspace.  The others stopped by to watch a movie, but I chased them out so I could do the important work of saving the world, brutha. An upgrade from Super8, I think I may do my re-watching from that chair.




The hatch even has an exercise station.  I had to chase this other off of it, incase he hurt himself, I haven’t found the first aid-kit yet.  I haven’t found the armory either, but I’ll be sure to change the combination one I find it to keep the others out.


Namaste and 4 8 15 16 23 42

WFTB v. Lost Rewatch – My thoughts.

First and foremost, the goal is the same, Re-watch (or watch for the first time) all episodes of LOST, sequentially before the beginning of season 6.

That is what we’re both trying to do, and I’m going to continue to do my best to promote not only LOST (aka the greatest tv show evah!) and re-watching efforts.

lost_wftb_80 We started early, admittedly off the cuff (read the first post of this series). We focused on a twitter based live tweeting experience and that has been our strongest point.


Lost Rewatch seems to be blog and message board based with some of the biggest and best LOST blogs/sites/wikis participating and promoting. Here’s a sample list from one of the participating sites: “A bunch of Lost bloggers, including Doc Artz and Friends, JOpinionated, Sledgeweb and the Lostpedia Blog

I think it’s entirely possible to do both, if you have the time, and inclination.  Join us for a  LOST_WFTB Live TweetUp, and then you’ll be more than prepared when Lost Rewatch watches the same episode two weeks later. (For instance, this week their re-watching episodes 1-4, while we live tweeted episode 9-11.)

I don’t think its a competition.  I’m not treating it as a competition.  The point is to enjoy LOST.

So do. Enjoy. Lost.