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Monthly Archives: October 2006
Sunday night … just isn’t Sunday night anymore…
Now that Grey’s Anatomy is on Thursday night (and what a messed up night that has become, one needs like seven DVRs just to make it through the night… its like there isn’t any other night on television, but Thursday. I blame Bill Cosby!
So we did watch the season (I think) premiere of the Sears Workshop Ty’s Roadtrips Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. The tear ducts got a good cleansing a few times, irk! But wow, a 3000+ squarefoot house in 53 hours and change. I’m glad I don’t have to compare that to the building of my house… but I know some friends that are gritting their teeth, and trying to smile when they see that number. I do wonder if they’ll show the house in 6 weeks when settling starts in and the cracks start to show. Too cynical? Yep, that’s me… 🙂
Desparately trying to even get a care up for Desparate Housewives. Just not feeling the love. Bree gets married – whoop – de – do. To and axe murderer with a fetish for cleaning supplies *yawn*. Lynette and TOm fighting over the mother of Tom’s oldest daughter, urghle. Carlos and Gabby’s surrogate gives birth to another couples baby, go figger. Mike’s in a coma, leaving Susan to gain the attraction of another guy with his significant wife in a coma. *Strrreetttccchhh*
more blather after the fold…