I love you just the way you are…



I said yesterday to Matt on IM, that the MacBook Air was like a cheap and sleazy tabloid while my lappy (Dell 700m – pictured here beside the air’s more mature and responsible older sister MacBook) was like a sturdy text book with a great personality.

I hope I don’t cause my lappy to get all depressed and have some sort of eating disorder. I love it just the way it is.

No, there is too much. Let me sum up

Wife: Wonderful, but busy with work and kids

Kids: lovable, but with full schedules

Work: busy, but rewarding.

Christmas season: Just us, but a welcome reprieve.Church: Sunday School continues, Upward season is upon us.

Hobbies: No time for hobbies. 🙂

Merry Christmas -  Talk to you in March.  (I kid)

WHS Saved my bacon…

and my hard drive.

First, apologies for not so much content, last week and the previous two weeks were really busy with work, and after hours activities.  Don’t even get me started on how behind I am in TV watching. 

But Sunday night, I thought I had lost my hard drive.  Well, actually I did.  After a few days of the computer complaining about this and that (blue screens and random restarts) the thing would not boot.  Diagnostics said the hard drive was toasted, and I was blue.

Continue reading

Oh boy… what did I get myself into!

I give up. I bit off more than I can chew. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Debily just whupped me in the Seussian Meter Challenge – go read

And basically, I’m deep in the muck

I suck, I suck, I SUCK SUCK SUCK!

Not a rhyme in my head. I’m as good as dead.

But I did watch some shows, and to show how badly I’ve been beaten, 5WoL will be reduced to one word summaries.

Chuck – Tango!

Hereos – Sylar!

Reaper – Bugs!

MNF – Cowboys!

Thats all I got.


Oh my depravity knows no bounds, even out-Seussed by Matt.

I’ll be in the corner rocking back and forth and sucking my thumb

Happy Birthday :-)

Yesterday was MJ’s 5th birthday, and we had a nice family dinner at his favorite restaurant: Burger King.

We were joined by Matt and Debbi, and their kids, so it was a nice small celebration. MJ opened up some of his presents that included: 35 dollars in cash and gift cards (enough to buy him a big-boy bike), a nice set of Cars (Mac, Blue Dinaco Lightining McQueen, and Flo and Ramon), a super stomping Optimus Prime, two other smaller transformers, and a Diego action figure. Made out good, he did. If Angie is feeling up to it she might post some pictures.

In this morning’s news I found out that its the birthday of the smiley:

Fahlman posted the emoticon in a message to an online electronic bulletin board at 11:44 a.m. on Sept. 19, 1982, during a discussion about the limits of online humor and how to denote comments meant to be taken lightly.

“I propose the following character sequence for joke markers: :-),” wrote Fahlman. “Read it sideways.”

The suggestion gave computer users a way to convey humor or positive feelings with a smile — or the opposite sentiments by reversing the parenthesis to form a frown.

Computer science and linguistics professors contacted by The Associated Press said they were unaware of who first used the symbol.

“I’ve never seen any hard evidence that the 🙂 sequence was in use before my original post, and I’ve never run into anyone who actually claims to have invented it before I did,” Fahlman wrote on the university’s Web page dedicated to the smiley face. “But it’s always possible that someone else had the same idea — it’s a simple and obvious idea, after all.”

Variations, such as the “wink” that uses a semicolon, emerged later.

So… Happy Birthday Smiley! HappyI Love youCoolBanana

Needy Things…

From my sweetbippy, here is a list of things that Jon needs:

  • Jon needs logs of support from the homefront and elesewhere to help him.
  • Jon needs to get his money right
  • Jon need to stop sending drinks now!
  • Jon needs to learn that his actions can ultimately destroy the he seeks to…
  • Jon needs to let people know how passionate he is about quality.
  • Jon needs to Man Up!
  • Jon needs a new name
  • Jon needs to change his classroom management practices
  • Jon needs to add more features…
  • Jon needs a new shift key

Everything you wanted to know…

about shoelaces, but were afraid to ask.

Including the world’s fastest way to tie your shoes, the Ian Knot.

And how to tie shoelaces that don’t end up in a Granny Knot.

Where was this when I was in Elementary school.  I sure this knowledge has been hidden from public knowledge from the evil Velcro Cartel, that doesn’t want little boys and girls to know the wonder and mystery of shoelace tying.  So I’m gonna speak truth to power, and point you to the site with the truth. (I only hope I don’t endanger Ian, that would be bad)

Ian Knot Video