Video placed below the fold, because of the losers that block YouTube content ends up breaking my page. DORKS!
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Category Archives: /dev/null
And this song is about me…
You Are 27% Vain |
![]() You are realistic. You know that looks matter. You just try to make them matter less. |
You Are a Life Blogger! |
![]() Your blog is the story of your life – a living diary. If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible. |
I’m out…
Late start, long practices, and a slow to fix an unresponsive server host, and I missed a day for NaBloPoMo. So I’m out. Can’t get’er done, etc…
In the good news section, the Cowboys beat the Colts, I have a chance to take a 2 game lead in my FF league, and there isn’t a dinner theater practice until Sunday.
I are a gradudate.
85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don’t get scores that high! Good show, old chap!
thanks Jen
Well at least it isn’t like San Dimas.
What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The West
Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you’re a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta. |
The Midland |
North Central |
Boston |
The South |
The Inland North |
Philadelphia |
The Northeast |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
from Jen.
Woo! Number ONE!
After 10 weeks of grueling fantasy football, I’m set to take sole possession of first place with a record of 8 wins and 2 losses. Last week I dropped into a two-way tie, but if things hold, I’ll win this week, and he’ll lose. So with four weeks left, I’m in prime position to make it to the playoffs.
Any Tony, LAUGHED… who’s laughing now?!
Man of Faith…
“You’re not going crazy, Jack. Crazy people don’t think they’re getting crazy. They think they’re getting saner.”
You are John Locke. You are skilled, intelligent, fearless, secretive, and most likey totally insane. You manipulate those around you to get what you think the island wants. Sure, you’ll find Walt’s dog for him and kill a wild boar or two, but what you’re after are some real answers. You’ve looked into the eye of that island. And what you saw was beautiful. Just let us know what it is sometime, alright?
Your polar opposite is: Walt. You are similar to: Sawyer and Jack.
Link: The Which Lost Character Are You Test written by ack_attack on Ok Cupid
not much to say…
Sadie nipped at Michael’s face this afternoon. Michael is fine, but Sadie got his nose and lip, and though nothing serious, physically, it is serious with Sadie’s behavior. Unfortunately that was the last straw, and Sadie has left our house. Angie is taking her to the Animal Control where she’ll be euthenized, and then her remains will be shipped to Austin to test for rabies.
The kids are taking it hard. I’m glad that Sadie found our home, and that she brought us some happiness. I don’t know what her life was like before we adopted her, she has a scar on her face, and her behaviors exhibit actions that she might have been abused. We probably weren’t the best home for her, but we did our best for her. I hope she finds peace.
Ooohh RAH! Navy Drill Team!
(I was a NROTC Drill team member back and college, this stuff just rocks!)
Sunday Afternoon blahs..
Upward evaluation day, so the afternoon is shot, I don’t get to watch any football, the live update on Yahoo! Fantasy Sports has my football team leading, barely, and I need a lead going into tonight Pats-Colts games. I have Brady, my opponent has Peyton. Do the math. *sigh* my only consolation is that the Pats D can usually handle Peyton. Since I’m here at the church, I can’t take my nap, so I’m grumpy… My laptop is low on battery, which means.. well better hit Publish and get my nablopomo committment taken care of, I hope this had been edifying.