Perfect? No-No!

This is about as close as you can get to a perfect game. Each batter (28 of them thanks to a ground ball throwing error) of Clayton (K-layton?) Kershaw’s no-hit gem of a game last night. A perfect game would have had only 27 batters.

At Home, with Vin Scully on the call… Great game!


Talking back to the headlines

The following were headlines in Inside Yahoo! today, and my inner voice responses:

  • Obama seeks a personal touch within a huge stadium – most people would shun him as a pervert.
  • Officials my evacuate New Orleans as Gustav nears – what did Gustav ever do to them?
  • Georgia: S. Ossetia ethnic cleansing nearly done – Phew, at least something are still on track.
  • Economy rebounds in 2Q – Yet another quarter without a recession, I feel a little cheated.
  • Bill and Hillary, at least, leave the stage – Didn’t we get rid of them 8 years ago?
  • Hollywood stars talk politics at Dem convention – A spelling word got missed by the editor its spelled D-U-M-B.
  • Microsoft’s newest browser may block ads – May fry your hard drive and send your grandma all your pr0n too.

Da Bunny… Redux

Out of the desert of the Middle East, is rising a new Chocolate Bunny… take it away Yahoo:

image The Burj Dubai tower is now 555 metres (1,831.5 feet) tall and has surpassed the 553-metre- (1,824.9-feet) CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, which held the record for the world’s tallest free-standing structure since 1976, developers Emaar Properties said in a statement.

The statement did not reveal the tower’s final projected height or its final number of storeys, which Emaar has kept secret since launching the project in January 2004.

The developer announced in July that Burj Dubai, Arabic for Dubai Tower, had exceeded Taiwan‘s Taipei 101 which is 508 metres (1,676.4 feet) tall, to become the tallest building in the world.

and for your information, the Burj Dubai Tower can now be seen from a distance of 57 miles (49 nm). No news on any planned gold plating.

No, Michael Jon you cannot take Crisana to Arkansas.

From Yahoo!

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A law passed this year allows Arkansans of any age — even infants — to marry if their parents agree, and the governor may have to call a special session to fix the mistake, lawmakers said Friday.

“It’s clearly not the intent to allow 10-year-olds or 11-year-olds to get married,” Bond said. “The legislation was screwed up.”

The bill reads: “In order for a person who is younger than eighteen (18) years of age and who is not pregnant to obtain a marriage license, the person must provide the county clerk with evidence of parental consent to the marriage.”

Better tell Timmy too.

Forgiveness v. Justice… the point is Grace.

Allahpundit over at HotAir has a good link to an article about one of the Amish girls being asked to be shot first, to give more time to her companions. Then as he is wont, goes on to post an excerpt to a post by John Podhoretz that cracks open the question of Forgiveness versus Justice. Two admirable qualities to uphold in a civilized society. The discussion proceeds in the comments, after Allah says:

Serious question: if it’s okay to turn the other cheek when it comes to child killers, why isn’t it okay when it comes to, say, Al Qaeda or Saddam Hussein? That inconsistency among hawkish Christians has always troubled me.

Or is it perfectly consistent, and I’m just missing something?

Which is a wonderful question, and the level at which that is posed comes down to Individuals versus Governments. Individuals can choose foregiveness, or go the extra mile and head towards Grace, when faced with harsh actions towards them by individuals. It seems that is the case with these small precious children that chose personal sacrifice over retaliation. The coments follows my thoughts, and Allah’s pushes back admirably. But I think he is overstressing a well missed aspect of what a Christian is, and how one bases their theology. He is stressing Jesus’ point of ‘turning the other cheek’ and basically boils Christianity into ‘following the words of Jesus,’ which might be a popular belief about Christianity, but in practice is hardly ever followed to that letter. In fact, Scriptures became codifed to ‘include’ the gospels (or Jesus’ sayings) because some hair-brained fellow decided to strip the scriptures down to ‘what Paul said, and a bit of Luke for context’.

But Christianity, is based on much of Pauline theology (and I’d argue, as I think Paul would, that is also Jesus’ theology) and so we can come to Romans 13 and here what Paul had to say as the purpose of governments. Their role in dealing out God’s justice upon those that are misbehaving. That point is brought up tagentially in the comments, as is Aquinas’ Just War thoughts, but Allah keeps pressing on with the, that doesn’t mesh with the Sermon on the Mount stuff. Which I gather is the point. Not all things can be boiled down to the key phrases of the SotM. If anything the sermon on the mount is a commentary on Moses’ law, and pointing out that for every fence built by the ‘teachers of the law’ the law can be extended to fence those people right back into the ‘sinner’ category. The Sermon on the Mount is an exercise in telling us that we ALL fall short, we ALL need foregiveness, and most importantly, we all NEED grace. For the key to the kingdom of heaven isn’t some moral olympics, but the acceptance of a confessed and penitent sinner, that realizes they’ll never jump high enough to reach God.

So while the ‘consistency’ of ‘turn-the-other-cheek’ vs. ‘just-war’ is lacking, that is the point. We are lacking. That is why Christ paid our price, hung on a tree, and died, so God could redeem us all to himself.


ADDED: And if AP reads this: How does a brother get the right to post to comments at HotAir?