Daily Walk 365 – Day 12

Then He said to them all, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” — Luke 9:23 (HCSB)

Taking up a cross has a much different meaning today, than in Jesus’ time on earth.  In Jesus time it meant you’re on your way to a torturous death.  It is a bit of a warning, following Jesus means you won’t be living for yourself anymore, it means you’ll die to your self, and follow Christ.  Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the pain, the humiliation — carry your cross, go take it to Calvary, where Jesus conquered death, and was raised to his proper position of Lord of all.

Do I do that?

Me and my mommed ride

Some public confessions first from my lunch hour foray in tho the wilds of Richardson (namely Cambell and Central in front of Atlanta Bread Company)

To the eldergy gentleman riding the nice harley:

I hope you don’t take my angry gestures personally, I wasn’t that bothered by the fact that you were backing out of a full-sized parking space in to the wrong lane, then used that lane to turn into exit lane, which was impeding my driving past the front of the restaurant.  I wasn’t angrily gesturing at you, rather at…

To the nice young man driving the beemer behind me:

I’m sorry that my lack of a turn signal confused you into thinking that I was turning right, rather than proceeding through.  It certainly would have confused me too, especially since you couldn’t have known the actions of the above mentioned biker in slowing down traffic in four directions.  I’m happy to have helped you in your quarterly inspection of you personal traffic control device (aka irritating small car horn), it does indeed work.  I’m unsure why you repeated the inspection procedure so many times in such a short duration.  Perhaps you’ve had better luck with you device actually clearing traffic in front of your much more important car.  I hope you weren’t late by the 10 extra seconds it took for the biker to clear the lane so I could drive through.

Now on to my regularly scheduled post

Multimedia message This is my ride.  I changed from my sporty 99 Mercury Sable for car pooling reasons, since my morning commute now includes 4 junior passengers that are dropped off along my circuitous route to work.  Its throughly mommed, and I’m certainly man enough to drive this hunk of car.  So when I roll up to you in this ride, don’t be shocked.

Daily Walk 365 – Day 3

Are ya bored yet? 😉

Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him. — James 1:5 (HCSB)

How many times have I tried to find wisdom without asking God. This self-help book, this seminar, this special on TV, this episode of Oprah (well not many times that last one) Truth be told on the wisdom front, I too often trust my intuition rather than specifically asking God — to my shame.

Last night SS commentary talked about discipline (Hebrews 13ish IIRC) and how God disciplines those he loves. The commentary compared how we discipline (often poorly, selfishly, and pridefully) to God’s discipline (which is awesome, unselfish and beneficial to us). Our reaction to discipline is much like our kids, we don’t like it, but when we’ve learned our lesson we’re cherish their loving correction.

I think its like that with asking for wisdom (and this verse isn’t asking for wealth, prosperity, good feelings, which given the ongoing trials, discipline growth put to rest any ‘name it — claim it’ notions). In being a good disciplinarian, God wants us to ask Him for wisdom. But he won’t nag us, complain or belittle us if we act like a teenager and seek that elsewhere. He’ll wait for us to fall, fail and flounder then graciously help us up, dust us off, and remind us that He’s always here to help.

Do we disappoint him when we fail?

Seeking wisdom elsewhere is a childish thing (also called teenage rebellion), as we mature we should put away childish things, and seek the source of wisdom, and heed it.


Daily Routine

Multimedia messageThe return of school brings with it the return of routine.  Summer is filled with chaotic non-routineness that makes it difficult at times.  School is the chance to start again with a new routine.  The first day is a given, everyone’s nervous and its almost a relief to get out of bed, its what happens on day 2+ which makes what happens each morning a routine.  By the end of the first week, we’ll be settled into whatever we’re going to do each morning.

So now is the time to change the patterns.

Pattern 1:  Morning — enjoy it, don’t miss it:  What do I mean?  Confession:  I usually crawl out of bed in just enough time to wake all the kids, and scramble out in time to get them to school before the bell rings.  Now is the time, to make each morning different.  Enjoy the conversations, give the kids time to wake up and get moving without a rush, break the fast together, and start the day right.  Today was a great start.  Thank you honey.

Pattern 2: Devotional — get straight: The top picture is my morning allotment of reading material. I usually do it over coffee when I get to the office.  In the spirit of confession, I haven’t done that at all, and it effects my endurance at the end of the day. While it might seem overkill all stacked up together, its isn’t more than a couple of pages in each book, easily done.  When I’m straight with God, I’m straight with myself, and it makes me a better person, husband, employee and friend.  I shouldn’t let this slip.

Pattern 3: Return to home — This is a routine that needs to be well thought out.  And it hasn’t ever been, its been more ad hoc than regular in past years.  This year, my two daughters are middle schoolers, and in a bit of a no-mans land when its time for school to get out.  Walking home is a challenging distance, and two major roads cause me and Angie to worry.  However, Liberty Rec Center is a shorter distance, and on my way home.  Yesterday the girls waited there for me to pick them up, and — they enjoyed it!  Sooo.. an opportunity presents itself.  A routine of picking them up at the Rec Center will scream at me to start doing that whole exercise thing I’ve been promising to get around to, and I hope to incorporate that into a routine as well.

Like I mentioned previously, this is day two, we’ll see how it shakes out by the end of week two, but for now, I see a lot of promise in our changes.

Daily Walk 365 – Day 2

For it is God who is working among you both the willing and the working for His good purpose. — Philippians 2:13 (HCSB)

That seems a bit awkward in structure… unfamiliar, shouldn’t be since Bobby’s camping out in Philippians on Sunday mornings, lets look at some different translations.

for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. — Phil 2:13 (NIV)

Hmmm… Maybe its because this verse is tucked between such awesome parts of Philippians (verse 2:5ff — “your attitude should be like Christ’s” and 2:14 — “do everything without complaining or arguing”) that I’ve missed it as I breeze through. But its still seems odd phrasing. Can Eugene Peterson do anything with this?

That energy is God’s energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure. — Phil 2:13 (Message)

Hmmm. The exhortation to change your attitude (v 2.5ff) seems to also join with Christ in allowing God to work in and with ourselves towards His will. The book adds another quotation (as it does for most of the days… but I won’t always transcribe it here) that seems important as I dwell on this passage.

In God’s plan, God is the standard for perfection. We don’t compare ourselves to others; they are just as fouled up as we are. The goal is to be like him; anything less in inadequate. — Max Lucado

Max always does a great job of clearing things up. Though the exhortation to perfection is a bit disconcerting to those with a perfectionist bent, it is good to realize that our model isn’t our friend, neighbor, mentor, teacher, or critic. Our model is Christ, who when faced with disappointment, exhaustion, pain, and indecision, reached out to God (or as yesterday’s excerpt mentions — call out to God). Even in our imperfection, that method is open to us, thanks to Christ’s sacrifice. And in calling out to God, we also have to be open to listening, hearing and allowing God to work in us and through us towards His purposes, not ours.

I don’t do that enough, may I do it evermore as I run this race.


Daily Walk 365 – Introduction and Day 1

The new school season started today, and yesterday was promotion Sunday.  As I walked into my class, I found a nice present from our Family Minister: Walking with Christ Every Day: 365 daily devotions for men

I wasn’t expecting it, but with the summer winding down, and a few more classes on my schedule (Sunday and Wednesday, and participating in Sunday evening and some blurry Men’s-ministry-that’ll-happen-someday-soon) I’ve been really dwelling on the fact that I’m not that great at two things I used to enjoy immensely: Blogging, and spending time with God. (not necessarily in that order)

So this welcome present, presents an opportunity for me.

  1. Get reconnected with my Savior.
  2. Wonderful blog fodder.

So while I may not actually blog about my daily reading, I’ll keep up my daily reading, and if the spirit moves, I’ll blog about it with the above title — Daily Walk 365 – Day # (If any of my two readers are bored enough to search for this later).

I blog in bursts, so don’t get too involved in reading these that you don’t suddenly get whip-lash reading another post on Survivor strategy, or Lost mysteries.  I blog for myself, you know.

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy, Day 1, below the fold

Continue reading


I guess I should write something, hmmm.

Sorry blog, I’ve been unfaithful, been too busy facebooking to blog. Please forgive me.

This past week has been a blur, so many plan, so little done, but I got the important stuff done.

I spent the majority part teaching VBS (vacation bible school for you peeps not in the belt), part feeding my brood, part swimming and part sleeping. Which leaves a lot un-done. But there is always tomorrow.

The softball team continues to do well, don’t want to jinx it with specifics, so I may post again in 8 weeks. I’ve been more active, and I’m eating less, but I haven’t found another scale to check out progress. I’ll update if I ever find one.

I found an old friends from high school on facebook. Kinda strange, to be more years away from high school than it took to get there. I remember thinking how strange it was for my mother to go to her 20 year high school reunion, and what do you know I’m past that marker. Where does the time go.

My kids rock my world everyday. Lauren is doing an art summer school thing and loving it. Brenna had a great time at VBS and is at a Camp Rock sleep over party. Danny has a humongous speaking part for next weeks music camp, and had a lot of fun being a beach monkey this past week. And Mikey Jon had fun being a REAL VBSer… he ever got to bring home his classes outrigger canoe (sans outrigger).

I’m about tapped out, this morning in Music, I had a ‘moment’, we were singing the slower song, The Word:

In the beginning was the Word
and it was with God and was God
Before an eye had seen or
ear had heard
there was the Word

I know the Bible is God’s Word
His written promises to earth

It is a lamp unto the feet of those
who believe in its worth

The Word is
Perfect Truth
The Word is
what I cling to

Word of God

I love the Word
of God

The slow pace, and the symbolic signs (using mostly real signs) just brought it home to me. The preamble of the song quotes the beginning of John 1, and is John’s creation story, and he projects Jesus as God’s word. We also see a parallel in God’s word as his holy scriptures. We were signing the chorus that starts … The Word is what I cling too… unbreakable…

I was overcome, tears flowed down my cheeks, and I had to sit down… hands in my face, sobbing. Its so easy, yet so hard sometimes to cling to Jesus, but its all I need to do. The Word totally has my back, everytime. He is faithful, to the end. I’ll chalk up my emotionalism to just being wiped… but I also know that I’m blessed to have a savior that rocks my world, with such simple words.


Graduation Day


Last night was another right of passage for the Stueve household. Angie previously documented the pre-school graduation for youngest son Michael, tonight was younger daughter Brenna’s turn in the spotlight.

No cap and gown, just a well orchestrated hour long program celebrating the end of elementary school. The beginning of the program had the Principal announce the recipients of the President’s Academic Achievement award (Angie will correct me if I got the title wrong). Brenna and all her close friends (with one exception) all were awarded the certificate (with a signature from President Bush — or a reasonable facsimile thereof) and a lapel pin.

Then each 5th grade teacher (we team teach here in Texas, so even in 5th grade there is a ‘homeroom’ teacher — and they all share teaching duties for different subjects) introduced their homeroom class. Brenna’s homeroom class was last, so her teacher rightfully trumped all other claims to ‘the best class’, simply by virtue of having the last word. Brenna is on the right stage right left, top row — standing next to her teacher. Rightfully proud of a year well done.

Next year her political career starts off, on her quest to be the first woman President of the United States, with a stint as 6th grade representative at the Middle School her older sister will command as an eighth-grader. I’m not sure that school knows what’s in store for them with two Stueve girls in attendance.

Congratulations on all your achievements this year, Brenna. Your hard work paid off!

Bonus Video: 10 second clip of the graduates singing

Brenna – Graduation Song

The sweet sweet taste of victory

alternate title: I need a nap

Last night was my first night back on our church’s men’s softball team.  I’d taken a long extended vacation to heal and spend more time with wife and children, work on person growth, etc.

So I took the family to the local softball megaplex, and our first game was in the grandstand.  Wasn’t sure what position I would play, or if I’d even start.  So I decided to stretch realllllllllllllll good anyways, as a precaution (being waaay over weight and un-stretched hammies don’t do well together).  Threw the ball around (shoulder didn’t feel too bad) and waited for the start of the game.  Looked at the line-up card, and I was batting 8th, and playing second base (WOO!  fav pos!).  I thought I’d be playing first, as my hiatus had led to another person playing that position, so I’d resigned myself to playing 1B or pine (aluminum). 

The field was in great shape, I don’t think I’d ever played on an infield that smooth.  It was also the first game of the night, so I got to scrape my cleat marks into the freshly raked field. I was a little worried about my stamina and speed, but softball is a bit lower key, and at the same time the field is so short — you know as the ball comes off the bat if you have a chance at getting it or not, and can adjust your exertion appropriately.

My performance at the plate was marginal, though that is a mixed blessing, do you really want a guy my size running bases. 😉

It was a back and forth battle, but the clock ran out while we were batting (home team) and up by 2 runs (9-7).  So we start the 2008 season undefeated.

I look to the wisdom of Han Solo for the rest of our season – Great shot kid, don’t get cocky!

Abs of MEALS

Last night was a busy one, since it was the culmination of our Upward Basketball season where our church partnered with First Baptist Church, Plano.  I had hardly any part in the planning of the event, but that was by design.  The guest speaker was Melvin Adams.  Clicking over to the link you find his bio with a long list of things he’s achieved in the sport of basketball, expecting a tall man, Melvin stepped up to the front all of 5’8″ but filled with boundless energy.

Angie laughed through the whole exchange, but I really heard her bust up (I was sitting with my team) when Melvin told the audience that wives need to keep honoring their husbands even when their, “Abs of Steel have turned to Abs of Meals.”  I turned around, and looked at her and rubbed my belly.

Melvin spoke a lot about being able to achieve your dreams, by relying on God.  His stint in professional basketball, and other higher profile events, led him to rise past his humble beginnings, and realize that happiness only comes from the Lord.  He’s seen and related stories of people that had it all, wealth, pretty wives, fast cars and big houses, but still feeling empty inside.  Trust in the Lord, was his message, and the cool thing was it was apparent that he lived by that mantra as well.

After getting their basketballs signed by Melvin (and everything else, Brenna got a Melvin Adams original artwork on the back of her Upward t-shirt, Michael got his autograph on the toe of his old school Chuck Taylor shoes, and Danny pretty much had Melvin sign everything he had on him.  We went back home to get the kids into bed on time.

Then we settled down to watch the TV shows that occupy our Thursday nights.  Watched as I got 1 out of 3 right on AI (off my game, but its still early in the season), then the awesomeness that is LOST.  But we gave it up before we watched Eli Stone (or as I call it, Elijah Rock!) and went to bed.