Iron Sharpening…

A challenge to my ever-increasing blaaawg-family. Or family of blogs.

Garrick, has posted a number of topics at his blog Ministry Matters, and always leaves a time for ‘Your turn’ at the end of each thoughful post. I’d like to challenge my readers, and fellow bloggers to take the time to seriously reply to the questions he asks.

First, I’d like to also encourage Garrick in stepping out and blogging while also being a very busy minister in our church. His presence has challenged me, in a good way, to think a little deeper, and become more involved. I’d also like to congratulate his willingness to intentionally solicit feedback, it is tough to communicate effectively online, and tougher still to seek other points of view.

His latest post, An Audience of One, makes some provacative points, and one that might engage in a bit of ‘push-back’ from me, at some points. First I want to address his quesiton:

How do you deal with crticism[sic] from other people, especially those who seem to have plenty of things to improve themselves? What can you do to be more of an encourager to those around you this week?

The answer and more below the fold. Continue reading


One of the things about blogging that I enjoy is the addition of a blogroll. One of the things I *don’t* like about blogs is exceedlingly huge and log blogrolls. (Also the technical aspects of using or other service to host your blogroll, and the hit your site takes when that service goes down) At Misplaced Keys I had moved to my own blogrolling system, using Yoshi’s Link List Module for Expression Engine. It worked great, and allowed me to page through my blogroll in a nice consise way.

The problem was, that I didn’t, and have lost touch with a lot of my favorite blogs that I used to read semi-regularly, and replaced that variety with a list of daily reads, that largely regurgiate the same topics in different ways. So it is quite nice that since I’ve switch over and imported my LONG list to find some unread treasures along the way. (Along with quite a few dead and duplicate links that need to be trimmed…)

This morning I re-found The Irvins which is the blog of Tim Irvins who writes on quite a few topics, and whose grasp of Grace always inspires me. I read this post on The Altar Call that just seems to make sense, and recall that many of the people sitting in pews are opposed to the scandal of grace. Read more of Tim’s stuff, and I think you’ll agree, he has his head on straight.
