Much like Angie’s flight home from California, my weekly TV recaps (my most popular posts that nobody reads) are delayed.
Sunday was hectic, Monday was harried, and I ended up watching MNF, and missed all my normal shows (hopefully still safe on the DVR). So I’ll have to put the recaps on hold until tonight, maybe the morning.
Much like Angie’s flight, and the non-closing/sealing door that ended up canceling her flight, my work projects might curtail how many shows I can watch, and thus cancel some of the regular shows.  So stay tuned.
Last week was Haiku Week, and I had a lot of fun putting recaps into verse. This week I’d like to try another twist, and write re-caps in Seussian meter (more properly, anapestic tetrameter) but that might be a tad ambitious for this week.
I still aim to get at least one post up daily.  Also, if your bored with me, you can see what my kids are up to at the is-blogging site. Updating daily, if not hourly, after school and homework, it seems.