Petition Panderings

Whoa, horse.

EDIT: Giving credit where credit is certainly due:

LOST_WFTB: I’m forever grateful to @EWDocJensen for being the FIRST to endorse it on twitter!!! (but we need’s an EW linkage baby!) 😀

Yesterday this whole LOST Themed Disney Attraction petition thing went wild.  Surreal even.

As I wrote in the first post:

I made a off hand comment on Twitter to a friend:

@mfeige 1) never be sorry for Disneylan 2) I want pictures of when Tom Sawyer’s Island becomes LOST

Since then I’ve had two blogs at analyze the story.

Which has pretty much been the theme everywhere I’ve seen the petition mentioned, either a “Oh Hell YES!” or a “Oh Hell NO!”.

Then Monday, the OC Weekly Blog (Orange County also known as the home of Disneyland) Navelgazing picked up the story and posted this:

Their ‘Dishney’ isn’t a typo like the petition’s ‘Disnet’, its a portmanteau of the words “dish” and “disney”, as in the dish on disney. If only I had such an acceptable reason for all the typos and mistakes on the petition.

Reading through the comments, there is a link to this blog from June:

Which very well may have been the initiating mind worm that triggered my off-hand tweet.  Read that post, its a wonderful work of satire, even has some nifty cool acronyms to decode.  Apparently it even kicked off a thread at DarkUFO’s forums getting some fans hopes up for such a thing to happen.

Then yesterday, this tweet:

Damon Lindelof: @LOST_WFTB Consider the petition SIGNED!

(he’s #539 on the petition, btw)

Which made my day, week, month, year, decade, century.  Only to be followed in the evening by this tweet:

CarltonCuse: @LOST_WFTB. While I like the idea of Tom Sawyer’s island getting a LOST do-over, I’d rather see Disney make a big LOST E-ticket ride.

Whoa. Horse. Couldn’t wipe the goofy grin off my face for a long moment.  My son started following along and signed the petition, then later my wife did.  Just before I went to bed, I saw this article that was re-tweeted by a follower:

And the little petition that could has been clicking along ever since, over 935 signatures yesterday alone, and stands at 1825 as I write this (it’ll change before I post).

Still hasn’t gotten the much sought after hype from Jeff “Doc” Jensen that he promised in this tweet almost a month ago:

EWDocJensen LOST_WFTB: Seriously, dude. Start a petition. I’ll help promote it. We’ll get this done. I have no doubt Mighty Disney will bow to our will.

C’mon Doc, I’m sure will give you some online space to continue to help promote it. time before it seems like you’re hitchin’ your wagon to a internet phenom. (my bad, Jeff’s been consistently promoting this on twitter from the start. – JS)

I do need to state that the limitations of don’t allow me to edit the petition after it’s been posted. So were stuck with my shoddy work, sorry.  Another pal (Eddie Lloyd) sent me an email with a much better worded petition, if I could swap his work with mine I would.  But I’ll include it after the fold:

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